How to choose a wall mount for your TV

How to choose a wall mount for your TV

You can't use any mounting bracket to mount your TV to the wall. Mount your flat-screen TV on the wall using a mounting bracket specifically designed for a TV your size. You muse use a wall mount that matches up with the holes on the back of your television, will support the weight of your television and has any additional functionality you are looking for.



    Measure your television or locate the dimensions of your television on the box or owner's manual. Write down your television's dimensions.


    Weigh your television or locate the weight of your television by looking at the box or the owner's manual included with your television. Write down the weight of your television.


    Determine whether your television needs to move up and down, side to side or remain stationary when it is placed on the wall. Write down your answer.


    Locate the mounting pattern for your television in your owner's manual. Record the distance between the holes where the television will be mounted.


    Compare all of your recorded information against any TV mounts you are interested in purchasing. Only purchase a TV mount that matches all of your TV's specifications. For example, don't get a wall mount that is stationary if you want to be able to move your TV; get a wall mount that allows you to move your TV up and down or left and right. Also, check to make sure the hole spacing on the mounting bracket will line up with the holes on the back of your TV and can support the weight of your TV.


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